5 Foods you Shouldn’t Feed to your Cat

Mariam Masood
3 min readFeb 19, 2022


Sharing your meal with your cat seems like a loving and time-saving option. You own a cat as a family member and think about what’s wrong with sharing a meal too.

Let’s accept that owning a pet, either cat or dog, is a big responsibility. You have to make sure you are feeding your cat the right food that meets their all nutrition needs.

We share a food list that seems packed with nutrition for you but is not good for your cat.

  1. Milk

While thinking about cats, the only picture that clicks our mind is a cat drinking milk. Most of us believe that milk is a complete diet for cats. But as per research, most cats are lactose intolerant.

In cats, while weaning, small intestinal activity decreases. Interestingly, cats are only tolerant of their mother’s milk. Other milk lead having lactose causes milk intolerance. This means cats face trouble with indigestion for dairy products. Milk intolerance can cause diarrhea, bloating, and abdominal discomfort in cats.

2) Raw Meat

A common observation is that cats near a butcher shop always try to get some meat. A cat needs 2 grams of protein per lb of its healthy weight. Fulfilling their protein requirement is a basic concern of cat owners.

Feeding raw meat to your cat seems time-saving but not a healthy option. Research says raw meat contains bacteria and parasites that posses a risk for cats. Also, small bones can choke and cut the inside digestive system. So, always properly cook the meat for the cat and check for bones remaining before offering them.

3) Chocolate and Cocoa Products

All of us love to have cocoa products. Cat owners love to give small amounts of chocolate to their cats as a treat. However, chocolate provides many health benefits to humans. But, studies say chocolate and cocoa-based products are the most hazardous for the cat.

The most dangerous ones are unsweetened baking chocolate and dark chocolate. Theobromine is a toxic agent found in all types of chocolates. Eating chocolate can cause abnormal heart rhythm, seizures, tremors, and even death in cats.

4) Raw Egg

Do you know that cats are obligate carnivores? It means they need their protein from animal sources. Eggs are a good source of protein for cats. Properly cooked eggs are the only way to serve them.

Raw egg white releases a chemical called histamine. Histamine can cause allergies and show a reaction on the cat’s skin. Histamine also interferes with the absorption of Vitamin B in the blood. Even a single raw egg white releases 29ug of histamine.

Similarly, raw eggs contain E.coli or salmonella bacteria that lead to food poisoning.

5) Raisins

Raisins are healthy and easy to carry snacks. But remember, what’s good for you can be toxic for your cat. Research has shown that the small consumption of raisins could be hazardous for cats.

Raisins cause kidney failure in cats. Some cats are reported to have rapid vomiting and hyperactivity as signs of illness. Still, the reasons are unknown as to why exactly raisins hurt the cats. So, it’s always better not to serve them any raisins or grapes.

Final Words

Prevention is better than cure. So, always try to keep toxic food out of the reach of your cat. Don’t allow them to sit on the shelf while you are cooking. You may have cat safety locks for your food pantry.

Note in case your cat has ingested some of the listed food, contact your veteran doctor asap. Your healthy cat is going to make you healthy :)



Mariam Masood

everyone on earth is unique with unique stories and unique lessons.